
10/25 A Better Way to Measure Progress in Semiconductors It’s time to throw out the old Moore’s Law metric CeRAM がハイレベル・キャッシュメモリ・プロセッサーに使用されるSRAMを置き換える

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Earlier this month, a group of seven Arm Research engineers established a startup, Cerfe Labs, to commercialize an experimental memory technology they had been working on for the past five years with Colorado-based Symetrix. The technology, called correlated electron RAM (CeRAM), could become a nonvolatile replacement for the fast-access embedded SRAM used in processor high-level cache memory today. Besides being able to hold data in the absence of a power supply, which SRAM cannot do, CeRAM is likely to be considerably smaller than SRAM, potentially easing IC area issues as the industry’s ability to keep shrinking transistors reaches its end.
今日のハイレベル・キャッシュメモリ・プロセッサーに使用されるSRAMの置き換として、Symetrix 社で最初に発明されたCeRAMが使用できるとの見通しに立って、ARM社 Cerefe Lab 社が商品化開発を進めて行くとの発表があった。セルの微細化に画期的な開発と評価したい。
A New Synapse For Non-Von Neumann Architectures Based On
Switching A Correlated-Electron Randaom Access Memory : Carlos A. Paz de Araujo ; 映像情報メディア学会誌 Vol.73, No.4, pp. 633-639 (2019)
A Better Way to Measure Progress in Semiconductors
A Better Way to Measure Progress in Semiconductors
It’s time to throw out the old Moore’s Law metric