12/23 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019 !
We wish you a very happy holiday season and a peaceful New Year!
May 2019 bring you happiness, well-being and prosperity!
…Japanese Astrology as well as Chinese is based upon a twelve year lunar cycle where each year is represented by one of twelve animals, and is ascribed a set of features Japanese people believe comprise the nature of each particular animal.
Fast approaching year 2019 is the year of the Wild Boar. Some of the characteristics that describe this year are reckless, foolhardy, thoughtless, going too fast. In Japanese we describe it as: “ 猪突猛進” – “Be energetic as the Wild Boar”.
This wording reminds me of my past life. I have just become 80 years old and reflecting on how I spent the last 60 years of my life I would say: rashly, always moving forward thinking ahead about the future. I believe NOW is the time to stop and think deeply about the current situation in the world.
Many unfortunate events happened in 2018: devastating typhoons and floods all over Japan, earthquake in Hokkaido, arrest of Carlos Ghosn, unstable political situation in the USA and Europe, refugees fleeing their countries…..
I hope 2019 will bring us peace, tranquility and stability. May it be the beginning of the transition towards the revolutionized era based on science and technology in the areas of high tech such as computers, semiconductors, energy like nuclear fusion, regenerative medicines, and etc.
Let us take the best from what was founded in the past by our ancestors, use it as the foundation, add cutting-edge ideas to create new values resulting in the revolutionized innovations.
“Too fast Tomorrow Comes Too Soon !”
Cheers to harmonious, innovative and joyful 2019!
2018年にはいろいろなことがありました。新しい2019年は ”猪” の年、猪のように元気に満ちた年になるのでしょうか。政治、経済、科学技術、あらゆる活動が大きな変革の渦で迎える新年であることに間違いはありません。
“Too fast Tomorrow Comes Too Soon !”
しばし歩みを止めて、ゆっくりと過去を振り返り、深く考えながら豊かな ”ikigai~生き甲斐~” を生み出していきたいと思います。