3/27 世界の幸福度ランキングが発表されました World Happines Ranking 2019 has been reported by the United Nations’ organization
世界の幸福度ランキング2019版が国連の機関から発表されました。日本は相変わらず「幸福でない国」の中にいるようです。他国に比べて、”寛容さ” が足りないことが一番の理由だそうです。
World Happines Ranking 2019 has been reported by the United Nations’ organization. That report presented the available global data on national happiness and reviewed related evidence from the emerging science of happiness, showing that the quality of people’s lives can be coherently, reliably, and validly assessed by a variety of subjective well-being measures, collectively referred to then and in subsequent reports as “happiness.”