03/14 ‘Over-reacting is better than non-reacting’ – academics around the world share thoughts on coronavirus
Over-reacting is better than non-reacting’ – academics around the world share thoughts on coronavirus
We can no longer hope to contain the virus’ global spread. Nor can we wait for the development of a vaccine that is still 18 months away, or waste undue resources on contact tracing. Our current focus must be on flattening the curve-slowing down the virus’ spread, alleviating its effects on health care systems, and saving lives. The most effective way to do so is through social distancing, which includes restricting travel and cancelling large-scale events such as concerts, conferences, and yes, university classes.
The World Economic Forum has collected insights from academics within leading universities for a global take on how COVID-19 is spreading, and what measures should be taken to fight the pandemic.
The World Economic Forum has collected insights from academics within leading universities for a global take on how COVID-19 is spreading, and what measures should be taken to fight the pandemic.