5/12コロナ・パンデミック は、世界の民主主義・資本主義経済の在り方を変える; Planetary Democracy is requested for the new world economy after corona.
As is well predicted by the book; Jaques Attali; A brief history of the future. a brave and controversial look at the twenty-first century, the innovation based on the value creation in terms of the Planetary Democracy is requested for the new world economy after corona.
コロナ・パンデミック は偶然ではなく、世界の民主主義・資本主義経済の在り方に対する、必然の現象として、人類の歴史を 変革するために発生したものと考えるべきなのかもしれない。
→Japanese To trace the history of humans and predict the future ? this is always important at any time. “Wise men learn from history, fools learn from experience”, “Historia Majistra Vitae”….…

→Japanese To trace the history of humans and predict the future ? this is always important at any…
→Japanese To trace the history of humans and predict the future ? this is always important at any time. “Wise men learn from history, fools learn from experience”, “Historia Majistra Vitae”….…