9/3 Panasonic announced that it has completed the transfer of its semiconductor business to Nuvoton Technology (hereinafter Nuvoton), a subsidiary of Taiwan Winbond Electronics.
Tradition That Inspires Change;
Beyond my rather sentimental thoughts to see this business transition from earlier traditions into the future, inspiring change along the way, what I most want to mean is how precious a legacy the Panasonic semiconductor business is, as it leads the way to the next industrial revolution.
A fourth industrial revolution is being heralded by a fusion of modern technologies supporting new infrastructure that will lead to major changes in society and economics. The global economy of digital capitalism has already begun to affect people’s lives around the world and will have a tremendous impact on our approach to the future.
Technological breakthroughs that overturn existing concepts are exactly what we need, beyond-CMOS transistors and beyond-von-Neumann computing included.
It is important to think how the technologies and cultural assets accumulated over history could be meaningfully passed on to humanity for the future. I believe that in exploring the answer, we can find in tradition the seeds that inspire change.
The future of humanity will be defined by and filled with the pursuit of dreams. There are no limits to the issues that will fall under the rubric of entrepreneurial engineering. And the challenges we take on in pursuit of those dreams are what many of us live for.
~Gota Kano, End Note; “In Tradition, the seeds that Inspires Change”, The Journal of ITE, Vol.73, No.4, P.656, 2019~
On September 1, 2020, Panasonic announced that it has completed the transfer of its semiconductor business to Nuvoton Technology (hereinafter Nuvoton), a subsidiary of Taiwan Winbond Electronics.
On November 28, 2019, Panasonic announced that it would transfer the semiconductor business, which was operated mainly by its wholly-owned subsidiary Panasonic Semiconductor Solutions (PSCS: Nagaokakyo, Kyoto Prefecture), to Nuvoton. Initially, the transfer was scheduled to be completed on June 1, 2020, but it was postponed because the examination by the competition law authorities in each country was delayed due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). .. At the same time, the “business restructuring before transfer” announced at the same time has already been completed, and it is said that the transfer has been completed after obtaining all required approvals. (for
Kano Gota
I wonder whether major activities of semiconductor devices R&D in former Panasonic Semiconducdor will remain in Japan whichever company owns it.