
EE EXPLAINED~ Entrepreneur Engineering: The Historical Timeline ~

1.Establishment of the Entrepreneur Engineering Society

Background Information: Mr. Kano established the “Entrepreneurial Engineering” society within the The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers (ITE) ? the first of its kind in Japan. This letter explains the intention behind establishing the concept of “Entrepreneurial Engineering” to secure official status at ITE.
Hand Book of ITE 2000 : Section 12, Chapter 1,
Entrepreneur Engineering
Gota Kano
Kochi University of Technology, Professor Emeritus

Since 1999, Mr. Kano has been advocating the concept of “entrepreneurial engineering.” For the 10th anniversary, he decided to describe the origins, concept, and practice of “entrepreneurial engineering” to explain its pivotal role in reforming and rethinking the combination of science and technology.
10 years has past since we first introduced the concept of “entrepreneurial engineering,” and began the first research and education projects in Japan (1,2).   Despite such a short period of the time, it is our great pleasure that this new concept has been recognized as a new academic discipline, and received the opportunity to write one chapter in this handbook.
First and foremost, I’d like to express my appreciation towards the following people: Dr. Yasuharu Suematsu — Tokyo Institute of Technology Honorary Professor, Dr. Hiroyuki Mizuno — Former Senior Vice President of Panasonic Corporation, and countless friends who supported me throughout the numerous challenges that I encountered in opening up a new realm of engineering. Without The “entrepreneurial engineering” concept originated from a need to reconsider the future role of engineering in the new knowledge-based economy of the 21st century. Historically, it has been known that technological evolutions based on innovation, is always synchronized with the resulting economic evolution of technology. Thus, research conducted about the fundamental correlating factors between technology evolutions and economic developments, has been an important theme for quite a long time. The correlating factor is known as “innovation,” which has been extensively researched in the management field. In other words, “innovation” was defined as the technology that causes economic development. However, as the age of Information Technology (IT) has arrived, we need to redefine “innovation” to suit our current needs.
Namely, Schumpeter first proposed the idea of “Value Creation by New Combinations,” which provided the most appropriate concept to understand the recent technological and economic developments.
The purpose of proposing the concept of “entrepreneurial engineering,” is to gain a deeper understanding of its origin, and discus the essential and universal factors of “innovation.” By pursuing this process, we will be able to discover how individualcreativity and individual action involving potential risks, is highly relevant to the mental wellbeing of the individual. “Entrepreneurial engineering” is an interdisciplinary study between the natural and social sciences that includes Engineering, Management, and Economics. By merging these three disciplines, the concept intends to create value in society based on the latest innovations. The knowledge economy of the 21st century, as first acknowledged by Drucker, requires the implementation and practice of “entrepreneurial engineering.” Knowledge does not necessarily mean tangible assets such as patents and published papers, but it also means intangible ones such as new methods of making money. In addition, this recognizes that risk is absolutely necessary to overcome the challenge of creating value from innovation. In order for knowledge-based innovation to create profits and contribute in a positive way to society, it is also necessary to take a risk and overcome any business or individual uncertainties. In pursuance to this process, the individual’s mental well-being is of utmost importance, such as the need to remain patient throughout all of the challenges. I hope that readers can gain a wealth of information regarding entrepreneurial engineering by reading this paper.

Media References

2. Management Activities Related to the Entrepreneur Engineering Society

This article describes the intent and objectives behind the entrepreneurial engineering research society that was founded in 2000. Now for its 15th anniversary, the authors have described the contributions that have been made and the areas for further development.

View the PDF of the Entrepreneurial Engineering Research Group here.

3.Public Lectures

Year Title / Organizer / Speaker Pamphlet

KIT Special Lecture, Innovation from Kyoto: Startup to IPO at Tokyo’s 1st Stock Market.

  • Organizer: Kyoto Institute of Technology
  • Lecturer: Chairman & President Osamu Tsuji, SAMCO Corporation
KIT Special Lecture, Innovation from Kyoto: Startup to IPO at Tokyo's  1st Stock Market.

Kyoto Aroma Conference, Innovation from Kyoto.

  • Organizer: Kyoto (Miyako) Aroma Association
  • Co-Organizer: Sankei-Shimbun, ITE Entrepreneurial Engineering Society, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto Cultural Convention Bülow, Kyoto Shimbun
Kyoto Aroma  Conference, Innovation from Kyoto.

Entrepreneurial Engineering International Symposium. “Innovation from Kyoto: From Historical Traditions to the Modernized Future.”

  • Organizer: KIT Strategic Research Promotion Department
  • Co-Organizer: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto Shimbun,

ITE Entrepreneurial Engineering Society

ITE Entrepreneurial Engineering Society

KIT Special Lecture “To Know the World.”

KIT Special Lecture To Know the World

15 Years Anniversary and Symposium for the ITE Entrepreneurial Engineering Society. “Innovation from Kyoto: Entrepreneurial and Internationalization of Kyoto’s Culture.”

  • Organizers: ITE, Sankei Shimbun, Kinki industrial economy Bureau, Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto City, Kyoto University, Ritsumeikan University, Doshisha University, KIT, ASTEM, Kyoto Institute of Industrial Technology
15 Years Anniversary and Symposium for the ITE Entrepreneurial  Engineering Society. 15 Years Anniversary and Symposium for the ITE Entrepreneurial  Engineering Society.

“The Entrepreneurial Path to Success: US and Japan’s Collaborative Effort to Create a Flat TV Revolution.”

  • Organizer: US Consulate General of Osaka and Kobe, Osaka Chamber of Commerce, Kansai Economic Federation, Kyoto University, SATE
  • Lecturer: Larry Weber  (Former President, Plasmaco Inc.)
Lecturer:  Larry  Weber (Former President, Plasmaco Inc.

Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Value Creation: Perspectives from Silicon Valley.”

  • Organizer: US Consulate General of Osaka and KobeCo-Organizers: Osaka Chamber of Commerce,  Kansai Economic Federation, Ritsumeikan University, Osaka Electrical Communication University,  ASTEM
  • Lecturer: Richard B Dasher (Professor, Stanford University)


Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Value Creation: Perspectives from Silicon Valley.”

What is an Entrepreneur?

  • Organizer: US Consulate General of Osaka and Kobe
  • Co-Organizers: Osaka Chamber of Commerce, Kansai Economic
  • Federation, Technology Management Institute of Kansei Gakuin University
  • Lecturer: Carlos Paz de Araujo (Professor, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Chairman, Symetrix Corporation)
What is an Entrepreneur?

“The Role of Universities in Innovation: From Academia to Innovative Startup.”

  • Organizer: US Consulate General of Osaka and Kobe
  • Co-Organizers: Academia / Industry Collaborative Dept., Kyoto University
  • Lecturer: James S Harris(Professor, Stanford University)
The Role of  Universities in Innovation: From Academia to Innovative Startup
  • O.E.C.U Commemorative lecture; Panasonic Chair Program for Entrepreneur Engineering
O.E.C.U  Commemorative lecture; Panasonic Chair Program for Entrepreneur Engineering 1 O.E.C.U  Commemorative lecture; Panasonic Chair Program for Entrepreneur Engineering 2

4.Entrepreneurial Engineering Books

Entrepreneurial Engineering: New Management Theories

Cover Entrepreneurial Engineering: New Management Theories
Supervisor Kuniya Fukuda (President of OECU, Prof. Emeritus Kyoto University)
Hiroyuki Mizuno (Former Senior Vice President, Panasonic Corporation, Vice President of OECU)
Editor Gota Kano(Former Managing Director, Mastushita Electronics Corporation, Visiting Professor, OECU)
Authors Richard Dasher(Professor , Stanford University)
Susumu Koike(Former Senior Vice President, Panasonic Corporation)
James Harris(Professor, Stanford University)
Kazuhiko Sugiyama(Former Senior Vice President, Panasonic Corporation )
Tatsuo Kawasaki (Former Senior Managing Director, Matsushita Electronics Corporation)
Jun Naruse (Auditor of OECU, Former President, Hitachi Global Storage Technology, Inc.)
Yukinori Kuwano (Former President, Sanyo Electric Corporation, Director of OECU)
Hiroyuki Matsunami(Prof. Emeritus, Kyoto University)
Carlos Araujo(Prof. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs , Chairman , Symetrix Corporation)
Shuji Nakamura (Prof. University of California, Santa Barbara)
Larry Weber(Former President, Plasmaco Inc. Panasonic Corporation)
Publisher Gentosha Renaissance Inc.

Entrepreneurial Engineering: Revitalization of Japan

Cover Entrepreneurial Engineering: Revitalization of Japan
Supervisor Gota Kano(Former Managing Director、Matsushita Electronics Corporation, Prof. Emeritus Kochi University of Technology)
Authors Susumu Koike(Former Senior Vice President, Panasonic Corporation)
Seiichi Nishimoto (Prof. Emeritus, Kyoto University, President, Kyoto Institute of Industrial Technology, President, ASTEM)
Carlos Araujo(Prof. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs , Chairman , Symetrix Corporation)
Shuji Nakamura (Prof. University of California, Santa Barbara)
Satoshi Kawata ( Special Professor, Osaka University)
Masahiro Yoshimoto(Prof & Vice President, Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Publisher Fuzanbo International Corporation

Matsushita’s Entrepreneurial Spirit


Matsushita's Entrepreneurial Spirit
Author Bob Johnstone
Editor Shizu Iura
Publisher Toyo Keizai Shinposha Corporation

Deep Innovation: New Horizons for Entrepreneurial Engineering


Deep Innovation: New Horizons for Entrepreneurial Engineering

Gota Kano(Prof. Emeritus Kochi University of Technology)

Authors Carlos Araujo(Prof. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs , Chairman , Symetrix Corporation)
Susumu Koike(Former Senior Vice President, Panasonic Corporation)
Akio Shiibashi (President, JR EAST MECATRINICS CO.,LTD)
Publisher Fuzanbo International Corporation

The rise and fall of the electronics industry-From tradition to the future-Challenge to value creation: Gota Kano’s path



Gota Kano(Prof. Emeritus Kochi University of Technology)

Supervisor Tomohiro Hamaguchi (Prof. Emeritus Osaka University)
Authors Misako Yasui
Cooperation The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
Publisher 22nd CENTURY ART, INC